

A seamless and uninterrupted baggage transfer solution.


Baggage handled

We’ve solved one of the most common problems for self-connecting passengers: baggage handling.

Our patented ThruBag™ service means passengers check their bags once at the start of the trip, regardless of the type or range of airlines supporting the itinerary. ThruBag™ reduces the chance of missed connections. With passengers spending less time in security lines, airports further benefit through increased revenue opportunities in terminal services.

Product benefits

Check bags across airlines

Remove misaligned baggage allowances across your partner airlines.

Creates a seamless passenger experience

Check bags once and save time, avoiding multiple check-ins and the need to go landside.

A valuable ancillary

Enjoy the revenue benefits of more attractive connection opportunities and increased passenger airside dwell time.

Feature List

One through ticket

Airline and PSS agnostic



Speed to market

Airlines can integrate quickly

You can be up and running in a few days instead of months or longer. ThruBagTM Software Development Kit (SDK) provides all the necessary software libraries to enable existing airline commercial systems to access ThuBag.

Stick with your processes

Eliminate the need to invest in operations or complex IT development

ThruBag’s software-as-a-service (SaaS) technology eliminates the need for carriers to make any changes in their PSS/DCS or operations.

New revenue opportunies

Generate significant ancillary revenue.

Airlines, airports, and OTAs can sell the baggage service as part of their online booking flow or through subsequent customer communications. Remove friction from your customer experience and increase your traveller loyalty.

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